How do you design a software system?

software system

Design is more crucial than ever and it is difficult to imagine any activity that is not controlled by some computer-related system. Design systems have proved to be a critical piece of what makes a product or company successful more so in the hyper-competitive software market. Such companies have depended on user experience to be their key differentiator. One of the best companies that design great software solutions is Witekio. To check out the systems available at Witekio, visit this link.

A design system is a collection of standards for code and design together with the components that connect both practices. A great system design must be able to organize program modules in a way that is easy to change and develop. If you want to design a software system flawlessly and avoid common pitfalls, there are several essential concepts that you need to understand. Here are the steps involved when you want to design a software system.

1. Develop the UI inventory required for the design

Begin by creating a catalog of the reusable components that will be available in your product. This includes grid systems, icons, patterns, colors, and text styles. When you develop an inventory of the UI components, you will identify inconsistencies in the language of your design. This will help you to pave way for a design system.

2. Create a team of multidisciplinary systems

You need to have a team that will implement and manage the entire design process. Most design projects require front-end developers and designers. Start by identifying the skills you need then determine the people who possess them.

3. Lay down the principles and rules of the design

Design principles entail the shared value system that runs across the whole design process. This includes:

  • The technology you will be using to design the system – CSS in JavaScript or a different thing.
  • How you will distribute the design system.
  • Whether or not you will be using digital products as your starting point for the design.

4. Design a color palette for the system

Colors affect every aspect of the design process. Therefore, you need to finalize your color palette. Determine the primary colors, a system for creating accent colors, and naming convention. Indicate the design patterns you used to solve the problems that you encountered when testing the color palette for your UI.

5. Create the typographic scale for your design

The visual design consists of two major components – color and typography. Determine the typefaces you will use and your typographic scale to provide an information architecture that is consistent across all systems. Ensure you test against the typographic scale because it influences the UI as well.

6. Build an Icons library for your system

In web or mobile design, icons are very useful for avoiding language barriers. They also affect the behavior of users. For instance, a download button can be accentuated with an icon of a "downward arrow" to reinforce the intended action. Finalize your library of icons and the tech that you will use to implement it.

7. Standardize all style properties

Standardization aims to eradicate inconsistencies in your software. Here, you need to make decisions on the grid styles and other properties like white space.

8. Create the initial system pattern

The process of designing software is iterative. Do not concentrate much on designing all the patterns at once. Instead, choose the ideal architecture for the pattern library and construct it one by one.

9. Conduct a sprint retrospective

All teams have to conduct retrospective sprints regularly to analyze progress and make the necessary improvements. These sprints are useful in ensuring fast learning across your team.


This guide should equip you with the steps involved in designing software and encourage a consistent design language. Do not think of designing software as a project. Rather view it as an ongoing process that relies on fast iterations.

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